Good Morning ladies and gents:
Just a really quick post--a friend of mine was over here on Friday collaborating with me on a sewing project that I'm doing for her and after we discussed and I mocked up part of her project, she offered to groom my locs. (She's loc'd also, and not too far away from her first locaversary!) Now, as you could tell from my most recent photos on here, I haven't done a full grooming session (clips and all) for quite some time (probably about three months or so), so I said yes. Thought I'd post some pics here on what it came out looking like (although it's two days post grooming)--she did a fantastic job and guess what--I had a lot of new length! Also, I had her trim off my curly ends (I know, I know--"you shouldn't do that!") but with my locs now touching the back of my neck, the little "whispies" are tickling my neck and are annoying as heck to me; besides it didn't seem as if my ends were going to really seal all the way to the tips. Oh, guess what else happened? We discovered two new baby locs at my hairline LOL! I'd tried to incorporate these two areas into two of my current locs for several months now, but they just didn't want to integrate, so she just coiled new ones--I tried to get a shot of each one. Aren't they just too cute?!? I tried to point them out in the last two pics. We'll see how they go. Have also discovered that I definitely have lots more hair on my head than what we both thought LOL! Oh, and please ignore the makeup--I crashed last night after work for a one hour nap and I woke up this morning at 10:23 am; needless to say, the makeup didn't get washed off... Hope you all have a great day and be blessed!

You got some serious hang time there missy!
Loving the length...Grow baby, grow!
@msfullroller: yep, the length is starting to show--woo hoo!
@thandi: LOL! that's my mantra! be blessed both of you...
Your locs have that beautiful mature look about them, gorgeous!
At first i thought you had very long mature locks you had decided to cut short! It's that mature looking!
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