No, they are not all the same length; in fact, the ones that were the longest when I first started gaining length are now some of the shorter locs on my head. (I still haven't figured that one out yet). My locs are three years and four months old as of today and the love affair is still going strong! My maintenance routine hasn't changed significantly: I wash every week (sometimes I stretch the time out a little longer if the weather is extremely dry) with a rotation of Dr. Bonner's castile shampoo and Avalon Organics Olive and Grape Seed Oil Shampoo. I condition when I feel that its necessary and I've been using organic, unrefined coconut oil to moisturize my scalp when needed. I semi-freeform, so most of the time all I do is separate after washing; this current routine seems to be working like a charm! I've been loving the journey thus far; I hope and pray that your journey has been as wonderful. Let me know how you are doing and until next time, blessings (jusqu'à la prochaine fois, la bénédiction)!
Woohoo!Lovin' it. I've been wondering when you'd post!
hey thandi...LOL! i kept forgetting to take pictures--i'd get up, shower and go...gotta keep on the move you know! sorry it took so long. as i said, once i'd taken a really good look, even was amazed at the length...blessings! when do we get a shot of yours?
wow, this is amazing, it seems like only yesterday they were babies!
Your locs are fantastic, Janel! I'm at 3 yrs 4 months also. They have really grown!
hi kumina: congrats on your loc anniversary also. you are certainly looking healthy and happy! blessings!
your locs have grown sooo much!! beautiful
It seems that it was yesterday when there were still babies
Talk about growth!
@amina: you mean they aren't my babies any more?!? LOL--just like children: no matter how grown they get, they're still your babies...
@ michele: yeah, it does seem like only yesterday that i was worried about them ever loc'ing!
@ thandi: yours are getting long, too! how long has it been now? blessings to all of you!
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