Hello everyone! Hope your Sunday was well; mine was wonderful. I attended a very spirited church service today and spoke with the minister of music about getting back in the choir (not that I was kicked out or left voluntarily--my work schedule prevents me from consistently attending rehearsals.) Hopefully, I can work out a customized rehearsal schedule--I really miss singing and if I'm still missing it this much, especially since I've been gone for almost five years, then I think God is trying to tell me something.
Anyhow, here are the promised two year loc pics--I hope you all enjoy them! Many thanks to my daughter for taking the pics (seems that I've neglected taking pictures for so long that I've kinda lost the knack for taking self-portraits LOL!) Blessings!

Happy locversary!Looks great.Here's to 20 more!
Happy Lockversary, your locks are beautiful!
OMG wow, wow, WOW! The video did not do your locs justice Sis. GAWGUS, beautiful awesome! You still got that shake dem locs thang goin on! lol I hear ya Sis.
thandi: thanks so much for the good wishes--and your locs are looking wonderful! did you see my answer to your question about the gele?
brown buttahfly: thank you so much!
msfullroller: (blush) awww, shucks hon! you just sayin' that! thank you so much and yeah, i'm still shakin' dem locs, just not quite as energetically (that's really hard work and hard on your neck and brain!) LOL my daughter did a good job catching the shots for me...
Sis, every word is straight from the heart. I watched your videos from the beginning so I've seen the transformation right before my eyes. Being able to see you start such a journey as a mature beautiful lady gave me the encouragement to start mine. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
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