Hello my loc family! Hope your day has been well. Just gotta ask your opinion on this because it's still bugging the crap outta me. Remember a couple of posts ago I mentioned about being b*&%?@'d out by a customer in my store because of my gele (headwrap) and bindi? Well, I just thought I'd post a pic or two of a gele that I've worn to work and ask your opinion as to the appropriateness/professionalism of the look. Now, the pics that I'm posting show what I would consider an "everyday" type of wrap look--nothing overly ornate or dramatic, and the fabric colors, while very vibrant and colorful, are not what I would call "over the top" for a retail work setting. What's your opinion? After speaking about the incident with my superior, he assured me that as far as he was concerned, I'd not violated the company dress/uniform code (which is black or khaki pants/skirt, black polo-style shirt or red polo-style shirt. Almost 100% of the time, I wear all black--just doesn't show as much "stuff" as would khaki!) and that I was good. If you were to deal with me face to face, would you be offended by my wearing the wrap and the bindi (of course, you would be treated courteously and professionally at all times!) Thanks for the input!
I think you look beautiful and ell put together. You certainly don't look unprofessional. If I walked into the store I would compliment you.
I agree with jhaviancole, even more so because of the fact that you work in a fabric store. I could maybe see it if you were in a manufacturing plant but a fabric store?! Last time I checked FABRIC is what things like clothes, hat scarves, headwraps are made out of. Heck your wearing of the headwrap is free advertisement for the store. That woman's action shows just how "ignant" (yeah that was real ghetto but it totally fits in this situation) she is and her showing her true colors for her complaint had absolutely nothing to do with being your being professional but the fact that you a woman of color was wearing it. Remember the Bo Dereck cornrows? Same sh*t, different decade. ***rant over***
Love the headwrap so you know you are gonna have to do a tutorial on how you achieved the look when you get time and feel up to it. ***hands folded with the puppy dog look on my face***
I just thought of something else. Sometimes people are unconsciously intimidated a person wears all black.
That was ignorance talking.I think it looks great!
ladies: thank you all so much for your honest comments and your support. i was just so totally blindsided by the absolute VENOM that this particular person spewed at me! my mouth was literally hanging open...the bindi has spiritual significance to me and it's so small that most people don't even notice it unless it's to say that i have a speck of glitter on my face! (it's a 2mm rhinestone bindi). and the way she went on about the gele...told me that it was "illegal" to wear either item in the United States and that she was having her lawyer call corporate. even made a thread that she was going to "...make it very hard for me..." to work there and told me that "...if i couldn't work without wearing the "headrag" (her words" or the bindi, then i should find another place of employment...". she was in the store again this past Monday, and i waited on her and it was as if the conversation never happened...she was just as pleasant to me. i don't let people rattle me 99.999% of the time, but i tell you, i didn't know whether to give her the "professional smile" and keep it moving or spit on her! the better side of wisdom prevailed and i gave her the "professional smile" and kept it moving (AAARRRGGGGHHH! I SO WANTED TO HIT HER!!!) i don't know, something about "turn the other cheek..."? blessings my sistahs
msfullroller: the all blck thing is because of the dress/uniform code that was adopted by the company in october. it's either black or khaki pants--since i have a tendancy to be crawling on the floor or in tight spaces at any given moment, i choose to wear the black--less "stuff" showing! about the headwrap tutorial, i'll see about posting one within the next week...or you could come visit me and i'll wrap you up! LOL btw, love the sad puppy dog eyes--they get me every time!
I totally understand your reasoning for wearing all black. Me personally I love wearing black especially all black. One while everything article of clothing I bought was black. The reason I brought it up was that I have been told by people that is makes one seem foreboding,unapproachable and gives of negative vibes. That's why I mentioned it. It's as far from the truth as I am from China but that's how folks are sometimes. It's also their issue with themselves to deal with. And it hasn't stopped me from wearing all black and neither should it stop you.
If I was close by, I'd be right over! lol
I'll definitely be looking out for the headwrap tutorial.
As for the wrap, I'd probably wear a solid black one or a red print just to keep in tune with the dress code and the colors they've authorized but that's more a personal preference than anything.
I think it's a very regal look for you. No reason for the customer to react like that. But you know how it is, if the don't understand it, it scares them. Unless you tried to choke her with it, I don't see the problem. I was talking to a black woman in a clothing store and she had the most beautiful soft blonde color afro I'd seen in years. I made it my business to go over and compliment her, she told me that while she was a a MLK function another black woman just called her out loud saying "OmG, I don't like that color on your head and why are you wearing your hair like that"? I said that to say this, some people are just stupid, plain and simple. Wear your headwrap Janel, if it's cool with management, do yo thang.
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